Most people have high blood pressure problems, it’s a common health problem. It is also known as hypertension. It happens when excessive long term force of blood go to the artery walls leading to heart diseases.
The more Blood your heart pump and narrow your arteries, the higher the pressure will be. If you didn’t treat your high bp then it can lead to the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
First one option is to consult your doctor and take some medicine to lower your BP. Also, many other things you can do to keep Blood Pressure in control.

As per the report, Isometric Handgriper reduces systolic pressure, (Expert advice). It can instantly lower your BP. Do it regularly for eight weeks. But also consult your doctor before adding this exercise to your daily routine. It works on many people but every body type and health are different.
Risk Factor for Hypertension
It can happen at any time, it is like a silent killer that affects many people worldwide. It does not affect only the elderly, it’s also found in youngsters. Risk for hypertension includes obesity, alcohol, smoking, an irregular lifestyle, and improperly processed foods.
Categories of Hypertension
First is the Primary High bp category, It is a condition caused by a non-specific genetic or bad lifestyle, 90-95% of cases of hypertension are in this category. Bodyweight, excessive use of salts, smoking, alcohol, lifestyle factors increase their chance.
The second is the Secondary high BP category, which includes 5-10% of cases. The condition is caused by identifiable factors like kidney disease, an endocrine disorder, narrowing arteries in the kidney.
Five Ways to Prevent High BP
People are unaware of this hypertension condition and suffering from it. Use these tips to prevent BP.
- You should check your Blood Pressure regularly to get the diagnosis.
- Try to decrease the salt in your daily diet. Do not add extra salt, other than you can use other spices or herbs. Ginger is loaded with nutrients and improve blood circulation, relax the muscle, control BP. You can add it to your tea, soups, curries etc.
- Daily exercise is important if you want to keep your healthy body. It reduces the risk of hypertension and keeps you healthy. At least do 30 minutes of workouts daily.
- Maintain your Body weight and cholesterol levels.
- Also avoid oily food, junk food, smoking, alcohol.